Mechagodzilla Planet

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In "Godzilla vs. Kong" legends clash as two epic foes face off in a spectacular fight with the destiny of the planet on the line. Kong and his guards go on a risky trip in search of his rightful home, and Jia, a little orphaned girl with whom he has built a special and profound link, joins them. They are, however, unintentionally thrust into the path of an infuriated Godzilla, who is wreaking havoc around the globe. The titanic battle, sparked by invisible forces, is merely the start of the mystery that lurks deep under the Earth's core.

In 2024, five years after Godzilla defeated his alien foe Ghidorah, Godzilla and Kong are the only Titans still alive on Earth. The combination of Ghidorah's storm and the storm cell that surrounds Skull Island has caused the island's climate to become unstable, forcing Monarch to confine Kong inside a dome-shaped facility that simulates the island's environment, with an orphaned young Iwi girl named Jia who is deaf and can communicate with Kong via sign language.

But when Jia comes to pay Kong a visit and holds out a doll to him, the Titan, knowing that Kong is stuck within the biodome, discovers this and instantly tosses a tree at the doll, killing her.

Following the assault, popular sentiment has shifted against Godzilla, who is no longer seen as humanity's savior. Madison Russell, now an adult and a listener to Bernie's podcast, is concerned when she learns about Godzilla's latest assault on her school. After school, she attempts in vain to reason with her widowed father Mark (who is now working as Monarch's director) about a potential lead on the origin of Godzilla's rampage, but he ignores everything she says, stating merely that beasts, like humans, may evolve. Madison later enlists the assistance of her closest friend Josh Valentine to track down the person responsible for Godzilla's rampage and decipher Apex's secrets.

Meanwhile, Apex's founder and CEO Walter Simmons enlists Nathan Lind, a former Monarch scientist turned Hollow Earth theorist, to assist them in their quest for a tremendous energy source on the Hollow Earth, a subterranean realm under the Earth and the secret home of the Titans. Nathan is cautious at first since his brother attempted to investigate the Hollow Earth, but was killed by a powerful anti-gravity barrier within the tunnel. After Walter discloses that Apex has constructed Hollow Earth Aerial Vehicles, specialized vehicles capable of withstanding the gravity field's pressure, he eventually accepts.

To assist them in navigating to the Hollow Earth, Nathan travels to Skull Island and meets with his colleague, Monarch anthropological linguist and Jia's adoptive mother Ilene Andrews, with the idea of using Kong as their navigator to guide them to the energy source, as Skull Island is no longer able to contain him and allow him to survive (due to Kong's size). Though Ilene first refuses, explaining that Godzilla would come for Kong immediately upon his removal from Skull Island, she eventually agrees when Nathan convinces her that they must undertake this expedition in order to put an end to Godzilla's rampage and also find a new home for Kong.

Seeing that Kong can't live in the cold and that they can't return him to Skull Island, Nathan asks Ilene whether Kong would go if he believes there are others like him down there, and she tells Jia to persuade Kong that his family may potentially be down there, causing the Titan to enter the tunnel.

It is then revealed that Walter intends to harness the power of the Hollow Earth's energy to overcome Mechagodzilla's limitations. In the end, Madison realizes that Apex is trying to get rid of Godzilla and all the Titans so that humans can be the Earth's apex species. In the middle of looking for an exit, Madison and the other people find themselves in a room where Ren is sitting inside the severed head of Ghidorah. The head has been turned into a biological supercomputer and cockpit for Ren to control the robot through radio waves, which he can use to control Mechagodzilla. It was bitten off by Godzilla five years ago during his fight with Ghidorah.

Kong and Nathan's crew discover an environment similar to Skull Island within the Hollow Earth. They are unexpectedly assaulted while traversing the area by a pair of Warbats, with one destroying one of the HEAVs. Kong saved the party by killing the first Warbat and swinging its carcass onto the second, knocking it unconscious, but the beast recovers and constricts itself around him. Before the Warbat has a chance to suffocate Kong, the creature is hit by missiles fired from Nathan's team's HEAV, allowing Kong to escape and viciously beat the monster to death before gorging on its intestines.

There, Godzilla makes his way into the heart of the city. He senses that Kong is in the Hollow Earth, so he drills a hole into the ecosystem with his atomic breath, which causes the temple to fall down. Kong and Nathan's team fight off a flock of Hellhawks while Maia and her team try to flee in their HEAV, only for Kong to grab it on their way out and, despite Maia attempting to shoot him in order to escape, he instantly crushes the aircraft in his hand after peeking inside to make sure that Jia, Ilene and Nathan aren't in there, killing Maia and her personnel inside.

Godzilla and Kong both recuperate and return to their feet, with Godzilla seeking for Kong, who hides from the Titan by perching atop a tower. Kong distracts Godzilla by throwing a construction crane into a building, allowing him to ambush him from above and place the Titan in a chokehold, intending to strangle him, but Godzilla breaks free and unleashes his full fury against Kong, eventually dislocating his left arm, slashing Kong with his claws, and even stomping on his chest twice, despite Kong trying to force Godzilla off of him by punching his wounded thigh. Even though Kong has been conquered and imprisoned by Godzilla, the latter screams defiantly at the latter in defiance.

Mechagodzilla goes berserk under the influence of both the energy source and Ghidorah's brain networks, slaying Walter with a sweep of its hand and electrocuting Ren while Walter is blinded. Ghidorah's consciousness controls Mechagodzilla, which escapes from the Apex facility under Victoria Peak Mountain in order to evade Godzilla. Before the two engage, Mechagodzilla fires a rocket barrage at Godzilla.

Jia attempts to persuade Kong that Godzilla isn't truly his adversary when he wakes up and watches the struggle between the two monsters. Jia confesses to Kong that Mechagodzilla, not Godzilla, is the "real" adversary, despite Kong's initial skepticism about her claims. While repairing his dislocated arm, Kong eventually accepts Godzilla's offer to aid and sets aside his feelings of resentment.

When Godzilla sees Kong holding his axe, he supercharges it by blasting it with his atomic breath, enabling Kong to dismember Mechagodzilla limb by limb and take its head off before holding up his prize and sitting down to rest with a tremendous shout of victory.

Additional Godzilla Movies Analysis by Decker Shado

The film Godzilla vs. Kong has gotten overwhelmingly positive reviews. By April 16, 2021, Rotten Tomatoes had 341 reviews, 254 of which were new, and a "Tomatometer" score of 74 percent new, according to the site. Put aside any concerns about character development or human drama; Godzilla vs. Kong provides all of the thrills and chills you'd anticipate from two massive monsters going at it.

This is the first time in 59 years that Godzilla and King Kong have featured in the same film since King Kong vs. Godzilla in 1962.

This is Terry Rossio's debut Godzilla film, after his unproduced script for the 1994 feature.

Kyle Chandler has appeared in two King Kong films, the first being Peter Jackson's 2005 version.

At 113 minutes, Godzilla vs. Kong is the MonsterVerse's shortest film.

Godzilla vs. Kong is the MonsterVerse's shortest film at 113 minutes.

The location of Mechagodzilla's base is similar to that of the Central Dogma, being subterranean and topped by a pyramid.


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